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How to cancel unused scopes

How to cancel unused scopes

Shopify Partner
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2 条回复2

Shopify Staff
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Gina here from the Shopify Support team. Thank you for taking the time to contact us about the app permission details. To my understanding, you would like to remove permissions your app no longer. We can definitely check further for your account and work together with you to solve this, before we can do this, we would need you to log-in to create pre-authenticated ticket. This is for security purposes and to make sure we are talking about the correct store and app. 

  1. Go to Contact Partner Support, you will be directed to select the Partner organization you were seeking support for.
  2. Please click on the specific organization, and that will create pre-authenticated interactions
  3. Once we receive your pre-authenticated Partner support ticket, my Colleague from the Shopify Partner team would be able to look into the specific app and its permissions.

I hope the above clarifies how you could create a pre-authenticated ticket to check on a specific store's settings. If there is anything else we can assist you with the log-in process, please don't hesitate to contact us again!


Gina. | Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
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