{% comment %} Renders cart notification Accepts: - color_scheme: {String} sets the color scheme of the notification (optional) - desktop_menu_type: {String} passes the desktop menu type which allows us to use the right css class (optional) Usage: {% render 'cart-notification' %} {% endcomment %} <cart-notification> <div class="cart-notification-wrapper{% if desktop_menu_type != 'drawer' %} page-width{% endif %}"> <div id="cart-notification" class="cart-notification focus-inset{% if color_scheme %} color-{{ color_scheme }} gradient{% endif %}" aria-modal="true" aria-label="{{ 'general.cart.item_added' | t }}" role="dialog" tabindex="-1" > <div class="cart-notification__header"> <h2 class="cart-notification__heading caption-large text-body"> {%- render 'icon-checkmark' -%} {{ 'general.cart.item_added' | t }} </h2> <button type="button" class="cart-notification__close modal__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-label="{{ 'accessibility.close' | t }}" > <svg class="icon icon-close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use href="#icon-close"> </svg> </button> </div> <div id="cart-notification-product" class="cart-notification-product"></div> <div class="cart-notification__links"> <a href="{{ routes.cart_url }}" id="cart-notification-button" class="button button--secondary button--full-width" > {{- 'general.cart.view_empty_cart' | t -}} </a> {% comment %}カート内に年齢確認商品があるかチェックする変数を初期化{% endcomment %} {% assign has_age_restricted_item = false %} {% comment %}カート内の各商品をチェック{% endcomment %} {% for item in cart.items %} {% for collection in item.product.collections %} {% if collection.title == "年齢確認商品" %} {% assign has_age_restricted_item = true %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if has_age_restricted_item %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} <form action="{{ routes.cart_url }}" method="post" id="cart-notification-form"> <button onclick="checkCartAndShowPopup()" class="button button--primary button--full-width" name="checkout"> {{ 'sections.cart.checkout' | t }} </button> </form> <button type="button" class="link button-label">{{ 'general.continue_shopping' | t }}</button> </div> </div> </div> </cart-notification> <!-- ポップアップの HTML --> <div id="checkoutPopup" class="popup"> <div class="popup-content"> <span class="close" onclick="closePopup()">×</span> <h2>年齢確認</h2> <h5 style="font-size:15px;line-height:0.1px;margin:0;">カートに酒類が含まれているため、年齢確認が必要です</h5> <p>生年月日を入力してください。</p> <input id="popup-birthinput" type="date" style="padding: 10px 10px" class="dobInput field__input" value="2000-01-01"> <p>年齢を入力してください。</p> <input class="field__input" id="popupfield" type="number" min="0" value="0"> <p class="popupmini">20歳未満の飲酒は法律で禁止されています。20歳未満の方への酒類の販売はできません。</p> <button type="button" id="validateButton" onclick="validateAndCheckout()">決済へ進む</button> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cart-errors"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> var hasAgeRestrictedItem = {{ has_age_restricted_item | json }}; var date = new Date(); var yyyy = date.getFullYear(); var mm = ("0"+(date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2); var dd = ("0"+date.getDate()).slice(-2); document.getElementById("popup-birthinput").max=yyyy+'-'+mm+'-'+dd; //ここまで日付取得 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const checkoutButton = document.querySelector('button[name="checkout"]'); const cartForm = document.querySelector('form[action="/cart"]'); if (checkoutButton && cartForm) { checkoutButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); checkCartAndShowPopup(); }); cartForm.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { if (hasAgeRestrictedItem) { event.preventDefault(); checkCartAndShowPopup(); } }); } function isIE() { const ua = window.navigator.userAgent; const msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE '); const trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/'); return msie > 0 || trident > 0; } if (isIE()) { const cartSubmitInput = document.createElement('input'); cartSubmitInput.setAttribute('name', 'checkout'); cartSubmitInput.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); document.querySelector('#cart').appendChild(cartSubmitInput); } }); function checkCartAndShowPopup() { if (hasAgeRestrictedItem) { showPopup(); } else { proceedToCheckout(); } } function showPopup() { document.getElementById('checkoutPopup').style.display = 'block'; } function closePopup() { document.getElementById('checkoutPopup').style.display = 'none'; } function calculateAge(birthDate) { const today = new Date(); const birthDateObj = new Date(birthDate); let age = today.getFullYear() - birthDateObj.getFullYear(); const monthDiff = today.getMonth() - birthDateObj.getMonth(); if (monthDiff < 0 || (monthDiff === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDateObj.getDate())) { age--; } return age; } function validateAndCheckout() { const dobInput = document.getElementById('popup-birthinput'); const ageInput = document.getElementById('popupfield'); const calculatedAge = calculateAge(dobInput.value); const inputAge = parseInt(ageInput.value); if (calculatedAge !== inputAge) { alert('生年月日または年齢が間違っています。'); return; } if (calculatedAge >= 20) { proceedToCheckout(); } else { alert('20歳未満の飲酒は法律で禁止されています。20歳未満の方への酒類の販売はできません。'); } } function proceedToCheckout() { const form = document.querySelector('form[action="/cart"]'); if (form) { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'hidden'; = 'checkout'; input.value = '1'; form.appendChild(input); form.submit(); } else { console.error('Checkout form not found'); } } // ポップアップ外クリックで閉じる window.onclick = function(event) { var popup = document.getElementById('checkoutPopup'); if ( == popup) { closePopup(); } } </script>
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