Hello Shopify Community,
I have a question regarding the unique_gateways variable used in Shopify's staff notification emails.
My company operates multiple online stores, one of which is on Shopify. Orders from Shopify are integrated into a system that centralizes order management for all our stores. This is done by configuring the staff notification emails with a specific template in Shopify.
We are encountering an issue where multiple payment methods are being concatenated into the unique_gateways field, which is causing errors in our centralized system, as it cannot correctly identify the payment method used.
I have two main questions:
Under what conditions does unique_gateways store multiple values in one order? For instance, it appears that this issue may occur when a customer tries Shopify Payments first and then switches to Cash on Delivery, but I do not have definitive evidence, and it is difficult to reproduce the issue consistently.
If unique_gateways contains multiple concatenated values, I would like to use only the last payment method. Based on my understanding, if unique_gateways is treated as an array, does the below code correctly extract the last value?
<div>{{ unique_gateways | last }}</div>Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
@Pinot 様
> Under what conditions does unique_gateways store multiple values in one order? For instance, it appears that this issue may occur when a customer tries Shopify Payments first and then switches to Cash on Delivery, but I do not have definitive evidence, and it is difficult to reproduce the issue consistently.
> If unique_gateways contains multiple concatenated values, I would like to use only the last payment method. Based on my understanding, if unique_gateways is treated as an array, does the below code correctly extract the last value?
<div>{{ unique_gateways | last }}</div>
<div>{{ unique_gateways | last }}</div> で、ご希望の出力になるはずです。
{% assign payment_methods = "支払方法1,支払方法2,支払方法3,支払方法4" | split: ',' %}
{% assign last_payment_method = unique_payments %}
{% for peayment_method in payment_methods %}
{% assign check_if_last_payment = unique_payments | split: peayment_method %}
{% if check_if_last_payment.size == 1 and check_if_last_payment[0] != unique_payments %}
{% assign last_payment_method = unique_payments | split: check_if_last_payment[0] | last %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ last_payment_method }}
{% assign payment_methods = "支払方法1,支払方法2,支払方法3,支払方法4" | split: ',' %}
{{ last_payment_method }}
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