日本時間の2022/06/01 04:30ぐらいからなのですが、shopifyのmultipasstokenを発行する処理に不具合が発生しているようです。
The issue was with GraphQL and CustomerAccessTokenCreateWithMultipass. When you used this mutation with GraphQL, the multipass token kept allowing new sessions to be generated instead of only allowing the first session to be successful and all subsequent sessions to return a 422 response. The behaviour of the CustomerAccessTokenCreateWithMultipass mutation has now been fixed, as of ~16 hours ago, and will only allow you to generate 1 session per multipass token once and no more.
You'll need to ensure that the MultipassToken is not being used before you use it in your mutation and get the customerAccessToken.accessToken to then allow a customer to login. If a customer logins in with their Multipass Token and then you make another call to generate another token within our GraphQL, this could cause the token to be useless.
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