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We're currently reviewing your account. If the issue is not resolved within 2 business days, please

We're currently reviewing your account. If the issue is not resolved within 2 business days, please

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My team has just started and has created many stores in the US region, including stores in other parts of the world, but all stores are facing a delivery issue! No permission to purchase shipping labels online! Once it enters the review process, the store will be directly banned!
After purchasing the shipping label, the displayed content is: We're currently reviewing your account If the issue is not resolved within 2 business days, please contact
Due to this issue, our team has lost nearly dozens of malls!
I hope someone can help us solve this problem! I will pay a high reward! Looking forward to being resolved!


购买运输标签之后显示内容:We're currently reviewing your account. If the issue is not resolved within 2 business days, please contact
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