解決済! ベストソリューションを見る。
Hello @nnk
Renars here from Excelify.
Thank you for suggesting the use of Excelify @Jizo_Inagaki and sorry about a reply in English here.
In Excelify app export, when exporting Customers, you can also select to export "First and Last Order" details for each Customer.
The exported columns can be seen in the Customers template documentation page that @Jizo_Inagaki linked previously.
Not sure from the translation if that is exactly what you are looking for, but there you can check "First Order: Name" and compare it to "Last Order: Name" which should show if the customer only made one Order purchase.
You can also export Orders with Basic Columns and Customer details, and that should allow you to construct all kinds of different reports in Excel from the two exports.
I hope that this is what you are looking for, if anything, let me know here or reach out to Excelify support directly.
※ もしかしたらアプリでそのようなことができるものがあるかもしれませんが、現状見つけられておりません。
例 ↓
Hello @nnk
Renars here from Excelify.
Thank you for suggesting the use of Excelify @Jizo_Inagaki and sorry about a reply in English here.
In Excelify app export, when exporting Customers, you can also select to export "First and Last Order" details for each Customer.
The exported columns can be seen in the Customers template documentation page that @Jizo_Inagaki linked previously.
Not sure from the translation if that is exactly what you are looking for, but there you can check "First Order: Name" and compare it to "Last Order: Name" which should show if the customer only made one Order purchase.
You can also export Orders with Basic Columns and Customer details, and that should allow you to construct all kinds of different reports in Excel from the two exports.
I hope that this is what you are looking for, if anything, let me know here or reach out to Excelify support directly.
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