to B向けに顧客が請求書払いを希望することが多いため銀行振込への対応を検討しています。
解決済! ベストソリューションを見る。
Hello @株式会社フルバランス
Sorry about replying in English again.
Shopify API indeed does not allow to just change the fulfillment status by updating that one field, but you can do that by importing actual Fulfillments.
Here is our tutorial on how to use Excelify to bulk import Fulfillments which would change your Orders Fulfillment Status.
You can also browse our Tutorials page to see many other things you can bulk achieve with Excelify.
If there is a task that you wish to do in bulk but cannot find a solution for it, please contact us as likely it can already be achieved but we just do not yet have a tutorial for it!🙂
1.Excelifyというアプリで、Google SpreadSheetに吐き出せますので、そちらの内容をSpreadsheet側で調整で対応可能かと思います。
Hello @COCOIN and @株式会社フルバランス
Renars here from Excelify.
Sorry about replying in English.
Thank you for suggesting Excelify for this task.
You sure can schedule exports to CSV or XSLX file of your Order data and filter the export by Customer: Email, Payment Status, Fulfillment Status, and other fields.
Here we do have a great tutorial on how to export Orders.
Here is also our tutorial on how to export to Google Sheets as @株式会社フルバランス suggested.
You can also bulk update your Order payment status from Pending to Paid with Excelify by importing Transactions in the Order. You can see more details about it in our tutorial - How to change existing Orders status to “Paid”.
If you have any more questions or issues, feel free to contact us directly.
You can also look into our Japanese website for details on how the app works and reach out to Excelify Japanese support (currently on holiday till January 4).
Excelifyでは、fullfilment statusまでは変えられないので、やはりアプリ作成が必要になると思います。
(export only)
Hello @株式会社フルバランス
Sorry about replying in English again.
Shopify API indeed does not allow to just change the fulfillment status by updating that one field, but you can do that by importing actual Fulfillments.
Here is our tutorial on how to use Excelify to bulk import Fulfillments which would change your Orders Fulfillment Status.
You can also browse our Tutorials page to see many other things you can bulk achieve with Excelify.
If there is a task that you wish to do in bulk but cannot find a solution for it, please contact us as likely it can already be achieved but we just do not yet have a tutorial for it!🙂
Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry for the late reply to you.
I will try to build the site with your suggestion.
Amazing to hear that! You can follow the links in my previous replies to see relevant tutorials and browse our website for many other things you can achieve with Excelify.
If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to us directly 🙂
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