FROM CACHE - zh-cn_header
此社区已转向点对点支持。Shopify 支持团队将不再为此社区提供服务。我们建议您与其他商家和合作伙伴建立联系以获取帮助,并分享您的经验! 如发现有任何违反我们行为准则的行为或您希望删除的内容,欢迎继续举报。



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店铺刚注册几天就收到这个信息,店铺被封了,提交了相关信息也一直没有回复,应该怎么办,谁来救救我 Dear Account Owner, We have reviewed your account and determined that it is in violation of Shopify's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). As a result, we are no longer able to host your store on the Shopify platform and your account has been closed. The full amount of pending payouts will be held by the Processor, in accordance with the Shopify Payments Terms of Service and the Processor's Terms of Service. Payouts are typically held for 120 days. If you believe that your account was terminated in error, you can appeal using this form. Please note that this email address is not monitored. Any responses submitted will not receive a reply. Shopify's Terms of Service can be found here. 

2 条回复2

Shopify Partner
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你先确认下是否真的违反了 AUP 政策,如果是误判你可以申诉的,但需要有合理的理由和证据。


  • 先看看垃圾邮箱有没有回复
  • 检查下发的内容,有没有提供一些可以证明的材料
  • 联系客服支持


乘风破浪,探索未知 - 每一次航行都是新的开始

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I have the same problem but still not fixed they close lol of my store really fucked