Donations count toward free shipping minimum

73 5 40

Hello Everyone.

Is there a way to keep charitable donations from counting as a purchase when it comes to reaching the free shipping minimum? 

I have products, but I also let people add charitable donations to the cart. I use a couple of apps to add the donation products (One Tree Planted and Pledgeling).

If, for example, I have free shipping set at $50 and someone buys an item for $40 and then adds $10 to a donation, the free shipping rate I set up through Shopify shipping settings triggers and gives free shipping.

Thanks. ♥♥

Reply 1 (1)

7 0 8

Really interested in that question. Generally it would be really cool to exclude some products from counting towards free shipping.

We offer ready packed boxes that include the shipping, but then when the customer ads another item, another box has to be opened, and then we loose money on that sale.