Order API Selecting The Wrong Fulfillment Location

Shopify Partner
106 7 46

Hi There,

   We have a customer using one of our apps to import their orders.  When creating orders using the Shopify Order API, from my understanding, the order API should set the fulfillment location based on the order of the first location in the Fulfillment priority list set up in the merchants store.  We have a merchant that says it's setting the incorrect fulfillment location based on their fulfillment priority.  I wanted to see if someone on the Shopify dev support team could help us dig in and see why this might be happening.  I have a bunch of screenshots from the merchant (which I don't want to post in public) as well as request ids from orders that he said are in correct.  



Co-Founder / Developer at Highview Apps
Our Shopify Apps: EZ Exporter | EZ Inventory | EZ Importer | EZ Notify | EZ Fulfill
Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
836 100 222

Hey @Ralph-HA,

Is this happening for every order, or just some? There's a few things that might affect this, I'll outline the general expected behaviours:

- Shopify will assign the order to any location which is able to fulfill the whole order, so if the first location in the priority doesn't have all items in stock but the second location does, the order will be assigned to the second location

- If a shipping rate request times out at checkout, Shopify will make another rate request attempt using the next location in the fulfillment priority. If that second request succeeds, the order will be assigned to the second location (we're looking into a way to indicate when this happens, as this isn't currently surfaced anywhere).

Feel free to DM those screenshots if you'd like me to check logs, and I can dig to find out why orders are being assigned as they are.

JB | Solutions Engineer @ Shopify 
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Hi @_JB I wanted to see if this issue had been resolved. I am having the same problem.


Thank you!

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Hi, I'd like to follow up to see if you were able to find a resolution to this issue. I am having the same problem.