Rejected from Store: Prohibited App Type (Chrome Extension)

3 0 3

Hey all,

Love the community here, I'm hoping we can get some guidance from the group.

Our app, Keeping, turns a Gmail inbox into a fully featured help desk.  Lots of our existing customers use Shopify, so we've built an integration to allow them to see their own customers' order info adjacent to their support ticket.  However, since we work on top of Gmail, our app does require a Chrome Extension (like some other popular apps, eg Mixmax or Yesware), but it appears that this may violate the "Prohibited App Types" as our app was rejected from the store:

If an app requires the use of a Chrome Extension to work, it is not suitable for the app store.

While we would love to be listed in the Shopify App store as we believe the customer support category could use some innovation and options (biased, of course!), but we would be fine with being an unlisted app so our customer's could access their data when viewing their support tickets.  To be clear, our submitted app is 100% compliant with the public app requirements (including integration with the Billing API and a full store listing).

Given the rejection on the "Prohibited App Type", how do we allow our customers to access their Shopify data? Is there any means to appeal or perhaps a "permanently" unlisted app that is not listed in the store?



Reply 1 (1)

23 1 1

Was your app ever approved?