Unable to create Metafield on some resources

Shopify Partner
11 0 2

Hello, I am experiencing a issue regarding metafields. I am creating a metafield on a Customer resource, result code is 201 and it returns me a metafield resource. However I can not request the metafield with the id in the response body. It is non existent. I also dont see it when I list metafields of same Customer resource.


Here is an example requests "cf-request-id" that returned 201 but failed to create metafield: 095006897b0000a7c2559ff000000001

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Expert
11190 225 2283

What's the data you sent?

The request id you've posted here also isn't the right one Shopify would use to review the logs. There'll be another request ID in the returned headers.

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Shopify Partner
11 0 2

Hi Jason. Thanks for the attention. This is the body I am sending.

	"metafield": {
		"value": "PriceLevelSomething",
		"value_type": "string",
		"namespace": "angapp",
		"key": "prev_tags"


And the id was cf-request-id header from the response. If its not that I guess it should be x-request-id which is: a6560655-7bea-4175-abbf-bea70e713eaa



Shopify Partner
296 10 35


Using Metafields can be a bit tricky if the key is not sent in properly, it would be complicated to map the products. You can use a metafield app to set this up so that the data sent across is uniform. 

You can also use a feed app that is compatible with the metafield app so that your products are mapped properly. 

You can also check the Easy Google Shopping Feed app by AdNAbu, which manages your merchant center feed and other advanced features such as Multilanguage, Multicurrency, and Metafields. 

You can also get in touch with our experts and request a demo. 

Sampy Mishra | Customer Success Manager @ AdNabu

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