Free Delivery discount with Local delivery

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We are a small frozen foods company delivering frozen meals only in the surrounding area. I therefore set up the site using local delivery and postal codes entered at checkout to limit who can order.

We also offer free local delivery for all orders over a certain value. To achieve this I have used an automatic discount which adds a discount to the same value of our fixed local delivery fee.

This causes the following issues:

  1. Discount is added to cart before any delivery fee is calculated/added, and therefore the Cart total is understated by the value of local delivery. so the customer then ends up paying more than cart total because cart total is already reduced by local delivery fee before it is even added.
  2. No further discounts can be added, as this will mean multiple automatic discounts which is not supported.

What I want is to be able to offer free local delivery for orders over a value which is only shown at checkout, and I want to be able to run other discounts/promotions in addition to free local delivery.


Please can someone let me know the best way to achieve this. please note this is a small start-up and the solution needs to be cost effective.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
39 2 5

Hello and welcome to the community!

I have some feedback and potentially a solution. This is what I have in mind:

1. Configure local delivery to have a free tier.

- In the local delivery settings, enter "Minimum order price" as 0, your local delivery price to whatever you want it to be (e.g. 10) and click "Add conditional pricing".

- Set the new row's minimum price to the minimum for free local delivery (e.g. 50) and set the price to 0.

So far, you've achieved free local delivery without discount codes.

2. Displaying to customers that you have free local delivery + applying discounts on the cart is a little more difficult.

I already run an app that does more or less the same thing with regular shipping rates. We apply discounts on the cart, then take the discount into consideration before checking your shipping zone rates to determine whether the customer gets free shipping or not.

If they get it, the app displays "You got Free Shipping!" - which is customizable so you could replace it with local delivery text.

If they don't get it, it displays "Spend $5.78 more for Free Shipping" - again customizable.

BUT! Here's the problem. Even though Shopify introduced local delivery over a year ago, there is still no way for app developers to read your local delivery configuration. This is why the scenario you want to handle isn't covered in an automated way by existing apps.

Possible Solution:

You want a solution that is cost-effective. Our app is quite cost-effective. I haven't heard of that being a problem for anyone so far.

At this time, the app DOES NOT support local delivery, for the reason stated above (we can't pull the data).

If our app looks like a suitable solution, I can add a new feature that will allow you to manually enter your local delivery rates in the app's admin page, so that you can use the shipping estimation + discounts on the cart page.

First of all, please take a look at what our app does so far:

Check out the screenshots, as the solution will look very similar (except for the text that will say local delivery instead of shipping).

Please let me know what you think!