Pre-Order App - CSV Download and upload feature

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We currently use a pre-order app on our website and find it really frustrating that we have to go in to every single individual product to see a date we have placed when an item will come in to stock as this informs our customer much better when they are ordering. We would love to be able to download a csv file from here just like you can export a product csv to update and upload again if you want to bulk update.

A few of the apps that provide pre-order have been contacted and none seem to provide this feature - one already allows a csv download of analytics to do with the sales of the pre-order products. If say we used the Pre-Order Manager - Pre-Order app, could a shopify expert do some coding to allow this extra feature to become available to us? Has anyone else had this issue and found a solution.

Reply 1 (1)

42 7 13

Hi there


there is one app that could help you with that

It would require bit of custom logic to be implemented but after that it could do pretty much everything what you described. Pretty sure app support would be able to implement this logic for you for free. 

Need Shopify help? Send me an email 🙂