External image from external url wont upload

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This external link


Is returning with Media upload failed

Some of your media failed to upload, please retry again.
  • Image: Media processing failed.

Please advise what could be the problem. We are trying to test few products from a partner site.


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Expert
3571 639 917

Hello @Jidegrand 

Try downloading the image and uploading it, do you get the same error?

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I'm not the OP but I have having the same problem.  In my case, I can load the image from my local machine after download, but it will not load from the URL.  I prefer the URL because ultimately I will need to load several hundred images.  I originally encountered the problem on the bulk import, which lead me to try it in the product UI and I get the same result with both methods.  Any guidance or direction is appreciated. 

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Did you ever find a solution to this?