Supply Theme - Reorder Variant Products on Product Page?

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Currently, the most expensive variant is being shown first when you land on the product page. However, the lowest price is being shown on the Collections page. I need for these to show the same price so we don't confuse potential buyers.

I've tried reordering variants in the back-end. (More Options > Reorder Variants) to no effect.

Appreciate your time!

Replies 3 (3)

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Hey there @DHFonline,

Can you please include the URL of your store? I'll take a look for you before I can offer any solution/guidance. Thanks

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Hi there, - You can see the price of the Toasted item changes on this page and the landing page for that specific product. Let me know if you need further details.

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Just to add some details after speaking with support.

The product being shown is the only one currently in-stock. This makes sense. However, it doesn't resolve the problem of having conflicting pricing. If the $125 version is sold out, why is that price being shown?