Cant change the font size of my page/store

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Hello, I'm new here and I can't change the font size of my webpage.

I looked in typology and it only allows me to change the font from San Sarif to Roboto,etc.. There are no size options.

I have done some code editing before and I am comfortable with that - I already changed the menu font size. What should I look for in theme.css.liquid. So you know I am using the LAUNCH theme if that helps.


Thanks stumpy

Replies 2 (2)

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Hey @stumppy ,

this is super simple if you already have some code knowledge!

Go on "Online Store" -> "Themes" -> "Actions" on your Live Theme and "Edit Code".

Search for "scss" in your code-editor - it should look like this:


Now the name of your file can be different to mine, because this is not on the LAUCH theme.

In my case its "timber.scss.liquid"

Use StrG+F or command+F on your keyboard to search for "h1" for headlines and "p" for textfields.


Here you can find all heading sizes - keep in mind that this is only for desktop view. You have to adjust it for every breakpoint.

Now you can change the size by changing the number!


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Thanks for the reply!