Change Product Image Depending on Collection

1 0 0

I've looked at related threads and can't figure this out for my own site based on those.

I'd like a different image to display first depending on which collection is being viewed.

For example, I have shirts that fall in the regular and curvy collections. In 'tops' I want the first image to display in the collection (default), in 'curvy tops' I want the second image to display first.

I'm using the Prestige theme.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
17 0 0

this looks useful


if you are using variants, this looks nicer


i am trying to solve a similar issue, i want to show a different featured product image, depending on its collection, however my choice of featured image is in a variable position in the gallery, not always second position. 


i think i'm going to make hundreds of 'if ' statements in the theme code, and for each custom collection i will specify the replacement image URL for every product


not very elegant, i wonder if there is a better way?