
Move social icons to header Debut theme

12 0 1

Hi all,


Please can anyone provide HTML Coding help to move the social media icon buttons to the header?


My site is & password is lagooncomingsoon

Accepted Solution (1)
Shopify Partner
15846 2371 3074

This is an accepted solution.


Past this code in header.liquid file

search this  text <div class="site-header__icons-wrapper"> in header file. then past the code in this div

<div class="grid__item one-half small--one-whole site-footer-item-tall"><ul class="list--inline site-footer__social-icons social-icons site-footer__icon-list"><li class="social-icons__item">
                  <a class="social-icons__link" href="" aria-describedby="a11y-external-message"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon icon-instagram" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M256 49.5c67.3 0 75.2.3 101.8 1.5 24.6 1.1 37.9 5.2 46.8 8.7 11.8 4.6 20.2 10 29 18.8s14.3 17.2 18.8 29c3.4 8.9 7.6 22.2 8.7 46.8 1.2 26.6 1.5 34.5 1.5 101.8s-.3 75.2-1.5 101.8c-1.1 24.6-5.2 37.9-8.7 46.8-4.6 11.8-10 20.2-18.8 29s-17.2 14.3-29 18.8c-8.9 3.4-22.2 7.6-46.8 8.7-26.6 1.2-34.5 1.5-101.8 1.5s-75.2-.3-101.8-1.5c-24.6-1.1-37.9-5.2-46.8-8.7-11.8-4.6-20.2-10-29-18.8s-14.3-17.2-18.8-29c-3.4-8.9-7.6-22.2-8.7-46.8-1.2-26.6-1.5-34.5-1.5-101.8s.3-75.2 1.5-101.8c1.1-24.6 5.2-37.9 8.7-46.8 4.6-11.8 10-20.2 18.8-29s17.2-14.3 29-18.8c8.9-3.4 22.2-7.6 46.8-8.7 26.6-1.3 34.5-1.5 101.8-1.5m0-45.4c-68.4 0-77 .3-103.9 1.5C125.3 6.8 107 11.1 91 17.3c-16.6 6.4-30.6 15.1-44.6 29.1-14 14-22.6 28.1-29.1 44.6-6.2 16-10.5 34.3-11.7 61.2C4.4 179 4.1 187.6 4.1 256s.3 77 1.5 103.9c1.2 26.8 5.5 45.1 11.7 61.2 6.4 16.6 15.1 30.6 29.1 44.6 14 14 28.1 22.6 44.6 29.1 16 6.2 34.3 10.5 61.2 11.7 26.9 1.2 35.4 1.5 103.9 1.5s77-.3 103.9-1.5c26.8-1.2 45.1-5.5 61.2-11.7 16.6-6.4 30.6-15.1 44.6-29.1 14-14 22.6-28.1 29.1-44.6 6.2-16 10.5-34.3 11.7-61.2 1.2-26.9 1.5-35.4 1.5-103.9s-.3-77-1.5-103.9c-1.2-26.8-5.5-45.1-11.7-61.2-6.4-16.6-15.1-30.6-29.1-44.6-14-14-28.1-22.6-44.6-29.1-16-6.2-34.3-10.5-61.2-11.7-27-1.1-35.6-1.4-104-1.4z"></path><path d="M256 126.6c-71.4 0-129.4 57.9-129.4 129.4s58 129.4 129.4 129.4 129.4-58 129.4-129.4-58-129.4-129.4-129.4zm0 213.4c-46.4 0-84-37.6-84-84s37.6-84 84-84 84 37.6 84 84-37.6 84-84 84z"></path><circle cx="390.5" cy="121.5" r="30.2"></circle></svg><span class="icon__fallback-text">Instagram</span>


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View solution in original post

Replies 8 (8)

Shopify Partner
15846 2371 3074


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12 0 1

yes thats correctt

Shopify Partner
15846 2371 3074

This is an accepted solution.


Past this code in header.liquid file

search this  text <div class="site-header__icons-wrapper"> in header file. then past the code in this div

<div class="grid__item one-half small--one-whole site-footer-item-tall"><ul class="list--inline site-footer__social-icons social-icons site-footer__icon-list"><li class="social-icons__item">
                  <a class="social-icons__link" href="" aria-describedby="a11y-external-message"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon icon-instagram" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M256 49.5c67.3 0 75.2.3 101.8 1.5 24.6 1.1 37.9 5.2 46.8 8.7 11.8 4.6 20.2 10 29 18.8s14.3 17.2 18.8 29c3.4 8.9 7.6 22.2 8.7 46.8 1.2 26.6 1.5 34.5 1.5 101.8s-.3 75.2-1.5 101.8c-1.1 24.6-5.2 37.9-8.7 46.8-4.6 11.8-10 20.2-18.8 29s-17.2 14.3-29 18.8c-8.9 3.4-22.2 7.6-46.8 8.7-26.6 1.2-34.5 1.5-101.8 1.5s-75.2-.3-101.8-1.5c-24.6-1.1-37.9-5.2-46.8-8.7-11.8-4.6-20.2-10-29-18.8s-14.3-17.2-18.8-29c-3.4-8.9-7.6-22.2-8.7-46.8-1.2-26.6-1.5-34.5-1.5-101.8s.3-75.2 1.5-101.8c1.1-24.6 5.2-37.9 8.7-46.8 4.6-11.8 10-20.2 18.8-29s17.2-14.3 29-18.8c8.9-3.4 22.2-7.6 46.8-8.7 26.6-1.3 34.5-1.5 101.8-1.5m0-45.4c-68.4 0-77 .3-103.9 1.5C125.3 6.8 107 11.1 91 17.3c-16.6 6.4-30.6 15.1-44.6 29.1-14 14-22.6 28.1-29.1 44.6-6.2 16-10.5 34.3-11.7 61.2C4.4 179 4.1 187.6 4.1 256s.3 77 1.5 103.9c1.2 26.8 5.5 45.1 11.7 61.2 6.4 16.6 15.1 30.6 29.1 44.6 14 14 28.1 22.6 44.6 29.1 16 6.2 34.3 10.5 61.2 11.7 26.9 1.2 35.4 1.5 103.9 1.5s77-.3 103.9-1.5c26.8-1.2 45.1-5.5 61.2-11.7 16.6-6.4 30.6-15.1 44.6-29.1 14-14 22.6-28.1 29.1-44.6 6.2-16 10.5-34.3 11.7-61.2 1.2-26.9 1.5-35.4 1.5-103.9s-.3-77-1.5-103.9c-1.2-26.8-5.5-45.1-11.7-61.2-6.4-16.6-15.1-30.6-29.1-44.6-14-14-28.1-22.6-44.6-29.1-16-6.2-34.3-10.5-61.2-11.7-27-1.1-35.6-1.4-104-1.4z"></path><path d="M256 126.6c-71.4 0-129.4 57.9-129.4 129.4s58 129.4 129.4 129.4 129.4-58 129.4-129.4-58-129.4-129.4-129.4zm0 213.4c-46.4 0-84-37.6-84-84s37.6-84 84-84 84 37.6 84 84-37.6 84-84 84z"></path><circle cx="390.5" cy="121.5" r="30.2"></circle></svg><span class="icon__fallback-text">Instagram</span>


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12 0 1

Thank you, is there a way I can align it with the search bar and shopping cart?

Shopify Partner
15846 2371 3074


Get pass your Store Core Web Vital Free Speed Optimization Audit, Chat on WhatsApp | Skype : oscprofessionals-87 | Email: | Custom Pricing Wholesale App : Free | Hire us | Guaranteed Site Speed Optimization | Website Free Audit | Shopify Theme Customization | Build Shopify Private App | Shopify SEO | Digital Marketing
Shopify Partner
15846 2371 3074

Add this css at the bottom of
Online Store->Theme->Edit code->Assets->theme.scss.liquid {
    position: relative;
    top: 10px;
    right: 12px;
Get pass your Store Core Web Vital Free Speed Optimization Audit, Chat on WhatsApp | Skype : oscprofessionals-87 | Email: | Custom Pricing Wholesale App : Free | Hire us | Guaranteed Site Speed Optimization | Website Free Audit | Shopify Theme Customization | Build Shopify Private App | Shopify SEO | Digital Marketing
1 0 0

Thank you so much for helping to move their instagram icon! Is there anyway you would help me move my icons instagram, facebook, and pinterest? My site is

1 0 0

Hi!! This worked like a charm to connect my Facebook and Instagram! I don't know how to send the direct link but still wanted to give credit where it is deserved!



62 5 10

Hi @Luca1301 

From your Store Admin, go to Online Store -> Themes -> Theme Actions -> Edit Code.

In the online code editor, open sections/header.liquid file.

Search the following line in the file:

<div class="site-header__icons-wrapper">

After this line, add the following code.

<a href="" class="btn--link site-header__icon">{% render 'icon-facebook' %}</a>
<a href="" class="btn--link site-header__icon">{% render 'icon-instagram' %}</a>
flexkit - Shopify Theme Design/Development