Catch weight and updating "total price" of line item

2 0 1

Good afternoon,

Currently I am integrating our Shopify orders into our ERP system. Our marketing team wants to start selling catch weight items in the store. I am wondering if it is possible to update the price of a line item on an unfulfilled shopify order? You see, I would not know the exact price of the product until the warehouse selects the product and enters the weight into our warehouse picking system. At this point I would like to calculate the total price of the product based on the weight that was picked and update it in shopify.

So far I have not found anything that points to the ability to do this... but am wondering if perhaps I am missing a workflow that would all me to do this.

Thank you for the help!

Reply 1 (1)

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I should have mentioned I am looking to do this through API (currently how I am integrating the orders) or GraphQL.