Bank details are incorrect and can’t change them

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Hiya, I had a failed payout and the only answer I can see as why it has happened is that my bank details are entered incorrectly but in order to change them I need to know what I originally submitted as my bank details which I don’t know as I did them incorrectly.

Is there something I can do to fix this? 


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
1487 336 464

I would submit a ticket to Shopify support.

Nick | Ecommerce & Marketing Technology Consultant | Toronto, CANADA
- For consulting work availability, please send me a Private Message or submit a ✍️Contact Form.
- For FREE Shopify Tutorials, Subscribe to my YouTube channel (▶️ Ecommerce TV).
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Thank you

How do I do this? 

Shopify Partner
1487 336 464

Follow this link

Click on Help Center

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Contact Shopify Support"

It will ask you to log into your shopify store, and then you could select whether to Call, email or chat with an agent.

 I hope the answer was helpful!

Nick | Ecommerce & Marketing Technology Consultant | Toronto, CANADA
- For consulting work availability, please send me a Private Message or submit a ✍️Contact Form.
- For FREE Shopify Tutorials, Subscribe to my YouTube channel (▶️ Ecommerce TV).