Facebook Business can't be found despite correct permissions

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Hi community I have really struggled with connecting my Facebook page to shopify.

I do believe my permissions are correct as followed in the screenshots of Shopify troubleshooting

1. My business manager has allocated myself as admin access

2. My Business manager owns the pages

3. The pages include myself as admin with full Facebook access / manager access (one page uses classic pages experiences and the other uses the new page experience)

Surely there are no issues with having myself as the admin of the business manager since I was able to connect an Ad account to shopify which is owned by my business manager. To clarify one of my pages has access to the aforementioned setting shopify uses (classic pages experience) such as page settings and page roles. The other page with the new pages experience does not have these things. Either way I’m determined to get any page up as they are both for the same business. New pages and classic pages experiences.

To confirm, yes I do have products added to my store and my admin page, business manager and everything have been up for more than a few days now and I have tried redoing the process from the very beginning by connecting a FB account multiple times.

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