H1 tag in Shopify assigned by default to Page Title?

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I understand that in Shopify, the Page Title is an H1 tag by default. Upon checking my website's source code, I find that the title of all my pages is just  <title> and not <H1>. I will appreciate any help on this.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
2958 568 891


Ideally the H1 should not be your page title. In case you did not edit it manually perhaps some app did.

You can change the page title to a SEO friendly following this tutorial though.
Even though it's about removing the shop name from the title its code is quite SEO-friendly and will serve to fix your title.

Kind regards,

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@Diego Thanks for a quick reply. I will need some more understanding of this. E.g., the name of my products in the Title field and my collections' names, should they not appear as H1 in search results?