HELP! How to get Product Metafields from LineItem

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Hey guys and girls,

I am trying to read the metafields of a product that is referenced in a LineItem but it does not work.

What I am trying to do:

{{ }}


But that doesnt work and the metafield does exist 100%!


Is it possible to somehow read the metafields of a product that is referenced in a LineItem?


Thanks for your help

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
23 5 15

Are you sure a metafield with the key "id" exists? If I recall correctly, Shopify require metafield keys to be at least 3 characters long...

To debug it, put this in your template temporarily to see what metafields are available :


<div hidden>
{% for field in %}
  Key: {{ field | first }}
  Value: {{ field | last }}
{% endfor %}


 ...and then check your source code in the browser. Do you get anything back?


Cheers, Andrew.