Prevent Shopify from removing CSS comments

Shopify Partner
18 3 6

I have a main CSS file that I compile locally with inline source maps while I'm working on development themes. I had noticed that my CSS file was loading into the browser without the source maps and that the asset_url filter was adding 




to the URL which was removing any comments from the CSS file and that if I used

| remove: 'enable_css_minification=1&'


after the asset_url filter it would not remove my commented source map. However, seems like Shopify changed this to just happen always without using the URL parameter 😠


Does anyone know a way to prevent Shopify from removing the CSS comments?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
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Hi @NegativeSpace

You can try with this snippet:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'styles.css' | asset_url }}">

Hope this helps.

LitExtension - Shopping Cart Migration Expert
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Shopify Partner
18 3 6

Hi LitExtension,

That is currently what I have.