Products Not Showing in Collection on Front End - All tags look right

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No matter what I change in my collection "Art Supplies" the same 5 products are shown on the collection page on the front-end of the website. I believe I have gone through every tag and category setting for displaying the products. I have also deleted the collection and added it back. As you'll see below, there are more than 5 products pulling into the collection in the dashboard. 

Can anyone help me see if I am doing something wrong here or if there is a setting off?





Collections Page Front-End:



Collections Page Back-End:







Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
378 58 88

Hello @!


There are a few possible reasons why you're not seeing your products appear. The first would be if you have multiple collections and the incorrect one is linked in the Navigation. You can double check which collection it is under Online Store>Navigation. Then select your menu and the menu item. The information will appear here.

In this spot, you'll also see the option to filter the collection by tags. Make sure any tags you add in here match up with the tags you have on your products that you want to see. Any products that don't have tags matching what is typed in here won't appear.


WhatsApp Image 2021-05-12 at 15.53.11.jpeg


Hope this helps!



Digital Artisans

Hatim Ayoub | Designer | Developer
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Thanks for your reply Digital Artisans.


Unfortunately, that did not fix my issue. The navigation link is connected correctly to my collection (see image below). The collection page is not displaying all the products even when I preview directly from the collections dashboard.



Shopify Partner
378 58 88

Hello @MilanArtStore !

Kindly please do check these settings as well.

If your products aren't active, they won't show until they are. It may say "draft" but go to the product and make it active. Hope this helps.



Digital Artisans


Hatim Ayoub | Designer | Developer
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