how can we get cart id in response

3 0 3

hi, how can we get cart id in response of the request of cart.js,

i'm sending request to shopify using their API cart.js and here is the request 

    .then(response => {
    .catch((error) => {
        console.error('Error:', error);

and here is the response 

{token: "c291e45ef9cf014cccd65fc23ebfa16a", note: null, attributes: {…}, original_total_price: 1000, total_price: 1000, …}
attributes: {}
cart_level_discount_applications: []
currency: "PKR"
item_count: 1
items: [{…}]
items_subtotal_price: 1000
note: null
original_total_price: 1000
requires_shipping: true
token: "c291e45ef9cf014cccd65fc23ebfa16a"
total_discount: 0
total_price: 1000
total_weight: 500
__proto__: Object

but it doesn't return cart id in this response


so can anyone please help me how to get cart id in response here ??
Thanks in advance

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