Can I use my dad's US bank details for my New Zealand-based business?

Can I use my dad's US bank details for my New Zealand-based business?

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Hi Team,

So I have successfully connected my dad's USA bank details and address (lives in USA)
I am from New Zealand but only sell to USA customers hence why I borrowed his bank details and addresses.

I got him to open up an account for me separately using Chase.
I then want to do transfers from Chase to TransferWise so I can receive the payouts.

Will there be any issues with this from dad's side and also my side in terms of his taxes or could possibly subject to money launder?



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
449 44 115

Hi @Jayzee 

This is the kind of question that you want to consult lawyers on, not a public forum. Even if you get what seems like sound advice, the potential consequences aren't really worth trusting the word of someone who's expertise in the subject you can't verify. I would contact a lawyer in your country and have your father speak to a lawyer in the U.S. to ensure everything is set up to be above board.