Charging VAT on a course/event that takes place in person

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Hey Shopify Community


One of our products is a course that takes place in person in Denmark. We therefore need to charge Danish VAT on this product, no matter where the customer resides when purchasing the product. 


I can add a tax override. This charges the right amount of VAT, but invoice will then be misleading, as it shows the buyers local VAT as a percentage equivalent to Danish VAT. See attachment for example of an invoice where a French buyer purchases a digital product (test item) for which they are charged 20% French VAT. They also purchase the course and is charges 25% VAT on this item (the equivalent of Danish VAT) but on the invoice is shows up as VAT (FR TVA) 25%. 


Is there a way to charge VAT the right way? It must be possible to charge correct VAT on products like in person course or other events.

Or do I need to get hold of our shopify developer and make a custom solution. 

Thanks in advance!

Replies 3 (3)

15 0 5

Hey there,

I'm not sure if this will help at all but I do know that the developers of this software have a lot of experience in the minefield of working out systems to deal with all these sales tax implications.  Their bridging software has been designed to make all of this more straightforward. 

Sorry I can't be more specific with advise. Perhaps their own customer support would be able to help you.

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Hey James. Thanks! Any help is appreciated. I will check it out 🙂 

15 0 5

No problem,


The whole thing is a minefield! The guys that developed the software platform developed it initially for their own Amazon seller accounts. They quickly realised that the idea they had come up with would be a huge time saver for other sellers. From here their whole business has grown. 

They have a really supportive customer service desk as well so feel free to ask any questions.

Best of luck
