Haw I can put 2 types of tax on invoice which is send to customer?

Haw I can put 2 types of tax on invoice which is send to customer?

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I need to change code in shopify (settings - notifications - customer notifications - draft orders) because in our country we have 2 types of tax. We have 19 percent tax for goods and 23 percent tax for delivery. Do you know how we can do that?

Thank you

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
661 60 117

Hi @Pozelsson

To handle two tax rates in Shopify draft order notifications:


  1. Go to Settings > Notifications > Draft Order Invoice and click Customize.

  2. In the template editor, update the Liquid code to apply the appropriate tax rates. For example:

{% for line_item in draft_order.line_items %} 
{% if line_item.product_type == 'Goods' %}
Tax (19%): {{ line_item.price | times: 0.19 | money }}
{% elsif line_item.product_type == 'Delivery' %}
Tax (23%): {{ line_item.price | times: 0.23 | money }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Save and test the notification to confirm.


If you’re not comfortable with code, a Shopify Expert can help ensure accuracy. Let me know if you need more help!

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