How can I start collecting sales tax from customers in all states?

How can I start collecting sales tax from customers in all states?

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For some reason my store has recently only been charging sales tax when the customer lives in my home state of Georgia. My recent purchases from other states have been processed without collecting taxes. 

Please advise on how I can begin collecting taxes for all customers, from all states. Do I just manually add my EIN alongside each state in the admin?

If your business is collecting taxes regardless of the customers state (residence), please share your settings so that I can begin the same. Thanks!

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
1242 132 164

Hi, @GysyCEO!

I’m happy to provide you with some information which may help you with setting up taxes on your store. 

I first recommend checking out this Shopify help document as it is a super helpful resource regarding sales tax in the US:

There’s even a section specifically on California which will be useful for you! 

Taxes will only be charged for the states where you set up tax collection and added your sales tax ID. You’ll want to collect taxes for states where you have a nexus, and you can read more about that in the tax reference linked above.

I’m not able to offer you advice on how to set up taxes on your store specifically, as you will need to contact a tax professional for that. If you were looking for someone to consult, you can hire a Shopify Expert that specializes in US sales tax!

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Greta | Shopify 
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New Member
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Did you ever get an answer for collecting taxes from all the states?