How does a Canadian properly configure tax/shipping settings?

How does a Canadian properly configure tax/shipping settings?

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I am based out of Alberta, Canada, and have registered my business and included my GST number but have no idea how my settings for taxes and shipping for all the regions should be configured. The guides given in settings are not detailed or specific enough.  Is there a walkthrough or post or video somewhere that gives more specific instructions?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2045 226 389

Hi there, @misssjesss! Thanks for taking the time to reach out to the Shopify Community with your question around determing how to confiqure your tax set up! My name is Imogen. It's good to meet you!


First, I just need to set an expectation with you that Shopify Staff are not tax experts. We're unable to advise you on what sort of tax obligations your business may have to your local, provincial, or federal government, so we recommend touching base with a local tax authority for clarity around what what you need to be collecting taxes on!


As for setting up your taxes, we do have several free to use help documents available in our Help Center for you to use! We actually have a help document specific for Canadian Taxes here! I recommend giving that a read through and give the steps there a follow so you can get your taxes set up! Additionally, we have a YouTube video here that you may find helpful, though I recommend using the help document because it's specifically tailored for Canadian taxes.

Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify 
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