Re: Importing Inventory from QB POS

How to import inventory from QB POS with additional tags and SKUs?

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Hi all

Our challenge with the QB migration tool for initial import of our QB inventory to the POS is it doesn't allow for additional tagging.  Since the Department field does not import into Shopify it would be helpful if I could tag the inventory prior to importing for easy filtering of "departments" or categories once in Shopify. As well a SKU is not imported so the work around advised by the QB Migration team is to import via the migration tool then export the inventory in a csv.  revise the SKU fields and the import again.  This is time consuming and not desired.  Anyone have something similar that they resolved?

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41 0 45

I discussed these issues with the migration team yesterday.  It would be very helpful if progress updates were added to this group discussion by Shopify. Shopify support, QB migration teams needs to be monitoring this channel to actually answer our questions.    

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I have not tried it yet.  However, I was instructed in chat  to copy the item number column, paste in an empty column and change the item number column to "Variant SKU" to import the skus from QB, change the name of the file before saving.  Then import.  That's my plan for tomorrow. I'll let you know.  I have spent today deleting all products I already uploaded so the app can be reset and I can upload inventory again tomorrow.  I will admit though ..... I have requested a Shopify partner name who can handle this because I am over it. 

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Is it your understanding that after doing this you won't have to retag the items with the old  pos tickets?  

41 0 45

That is my understanding.  I will update

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I just did it again and it worked fine.  I removed the 0 added to each item number using the QB Migration, saved as a google sheet, downloaded as XLS and imported the file.  Then I used bulk edit to make active and assign to my collections.  

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I did not have to retag the items with old POS item numbers.  Putting current tag numbers in the SKU area of the inventory information takes care of the problem with scanning.  We did nothing with the barcode,GTIN box imported with the QB migration app.    We have staff adding the SKUs manually until we find a successful around for editing the SKUs in the imported files.  I'm told it's as simple as exporting what was imported from QB, adding the "Variant SKU" column, renaming file so I don't have any duplicates, importing and uploading again.  However, adding a "Variant SKU" column did not work for me.  I tested with a single item and it did not work.  I will chat with shopify again tomorrow. I spoke to several Shopify experts with importing experience.  None I spoke to have imported from QB POS.

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