Understanding VAT for Irish companies selling to the UK: What am I missing?

Understanding VAT for Irish companies selling to the UK: What am I missing?

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We are an Irish company and have sales to the UK. I understood that when a sale was made to the UK under 135.00 the OMP is responsible for collecting the VAT and remitting it to HMRC? I have looked at sales and even though we are registered for VAT in the UK and the VAT amount is showing on the sale Shopify are paying this amount including the VAT to us? Am I missing something please?

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You are selling from Ireland to the UK, am I correct?

My understanding is that you charge zero Irish Vat on the UK sale as it is a non EU export.

But you have to charge UK Vat 20% and submit a return to HMRC.

I am not sure if this will work but you can change the tax rate, in tax regions, in settings, and select UK and change to 20%.

Then you can, in reports and taxes, filter the Uk 20% sales. For your Irish Vat3 trading record you fill in D4 with your UK sales.

Now that you have your UK sales you should be able to use that figure for your UK HMRC return.

There is also an app that might help

