What is the sales tax ID for a California based business?

What is the sales tax ID for a California based business?

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My business is based in California. I applied seller's permit in order to collect taxes. I am very confused about what is the sales tax id. Is it my SSN, my seller's permit number or something else? Also, I am running as sole proprietorship.


Thank you for your help!

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
1511 169 264

Hi, @mirandafu1.


Each region will have their own rules and regulations for taxes and which number is needed to be inputted under the account's Sales Tax ID. Because of this, and due to the fact that tax laws and regulations can often change, you'll need to consult with a local accountant or tax authority so that they can help you verify this for your particular location. They'll also be able to ensure that you're filing and remitting your taxes correctly.
In saying this, although our Shopify Support team aren't tax experts and can't provide tax advice, we have some guides available that you can read to further help you in setting up your taxes. Feel free to take a closer look at them below:

Kimi | Social Care @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
12 0 0

Hi @mirandafu1,


The sales tax ID is a separate ID from your SSN. You need the sales tax ID to start legally collecting tax in any state. We at Sidr Tax handle everything from sales tax ID registration to reporting and filing. We are happy to assist you.