Financing, tax rates, and accounting
I'm about to do my taxes this weekend and I can't find where to print my 2023 1099-K. Thank you
Yes, I have the same question - aren't they due by January 31st?!? Shouldn't Shopify be notifying their community if they're going to be late? Businesses cannot move forward with their taxes without this information. It's not cool Shopify is late with this necessary tax document.
Typically, 1099-K forms for transactions processed in the previous calendar year are due to be delivered to merchants on or before January 31st. However, Shopify has obtained a filing and delivery extension. As a result, we anticipate delivering the 2023 1099-K forms to merchants by the end of February 2024.
If your store qualifies for a 1099K form, then you will receive an email once it is available for download. Once ready, you can view the form in Finances → Payouts → Documents. The email will look similar to this:
More information on 1099K can be found here.
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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Great. You have over a million businesses relying on Shopify and you're going to be substantially late. "By the end of February" means you are forcing us to get extensions against the March 15 deadline for LLCs and furthermore impacting tax-paying individuals to get extensions against their April 15 deadline. Way to create problems for millions of people who would otherwise file on time, and perhaps single-handedly affecting their need for refunds in a timely manner, who knows? I think this is grossly irresponsible. Shopify is a multi-billion organization who should be able to afford the army of accountants necessary to supply your customers with 1099s by January 31, 2024. Tsk. Tsk.
If it doesn't include refunds, how do we deduct for refunds? Does it account for discounts?
Trevor this is unacceptable. We have accountants to schedule to do our taxes and we need all of February and March to do taxes. Filing an extension because of Shopify being late doesn't work. You're looking at a class-action lawsuit if this can't be fixed ASAP.
I agree! I feel like a class action lawsuit might be the only way to make this stop happening year after year. It’s ridiculous!
At this point, I am actually wondering if there is ample cause for a class-action lawsuit. I have several people who rely on me for their K1s who are becoming extremely frustrated. This is causing a major disruption to my business right now. I have had to schedule calls with my tax CPA and my tax attorney. You think for one second I will take tax advice from Shopify/Trevor... um, I think not. JUST GET US OUR 1099s!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the love of God. I just read you guys generate $150 million A MONTH. WTF. Are you too busy counting your money or something?!? GET US OUR 1099s.
I am in....let me get audited because of this kind of incompetence.
Trevor, what number can I use to do my taxes before I get my 1099? I looked on reports but my total sales did not match the transactions report that I exported. If I use the transactions report and total that up, will that be an accurate representation of what will be shown on my 1099?
@whatwhat @mychelley201 @Kaliada @JAHlove
If you would like to replicate the exact calculation of the 1099-K, to confirm the amounts which would have been reported if you qualified, these are the steps you would follow:
1. Log into your Shopify admin Go to Finances → Payouts → Transactions.
2. Then, export your transactions by date. Make sure to set your date range to about 10 days either side of 2023, to make sure you don't miss anything.
3. Open the file and sort the sheet on column H (`Available on`). This is the date when the money actually changed hands from the customer's bank to your processing account and is the date Shopify uses for tax purposes.
4. Once you have sorted your spreadsheet, delete any rows with an `Available on` date of either 2022 or 2024.
5. Next, sort your spreadsheet by column B (`Type`) and remove any rows with a `Type` listed as anything other than `Charge`. This means you will be deleting any rows with a `Type` of Refund, Adjustment, Chargeback, etc. this is done because the 1099-K only reports _gross_ processing which is determined by the value of the charges alone.
6. Check that the spreadsheet only contains transactions with a `Type` listed as `Charge` and an `Available on` date of 2023.
7. The final step is to calculate the sum of column I (`Amount`). This will correspond to the value which would have been reported on your 1099-K if you had qualified. The number of rows in the export (minus the heading row) will show you the number of transactions.
Merchants who use Shop Pay Instalments (SPI) may not be able to reconcile using this manual method. This is because the 1099-K form excludes “interest-bearing” transactions through Shop Pay Instalments (SPI), whereas the transactions export does not exclude them. This is because the general transaction export should have these transactions included. It's only for 1099-K reporting that they should be excluded.
The form is submitted on your behalf by Shopify, so any changes that need to be made can be backdated to the date of the request.
You are not responsible for submitting your 1099-K form. You do not need to wait for the information to be updated on your 1099-K form to file your taxes.
You can file your taxes without the 1099-K form using the data in your Shopify reports to fill out your tax forms. Any corrections Shopify makes to the 1099-K form can be backdated to the correct date your information changes.
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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Where do Shop Pay Installments (SPI) transactions get reported, if not on a 1099-K?
Great question.
Split Pay 'Shop Pay Instalment' (SPI) transactions. "Split Pay" transactions processed via Shop Pay Instalments (SPI) will be included in the 1099-K form that we issue. The gross transaction figures being reported from SPI refer to the full order amount, whether it’s been paid back in full or not.
Interest bearing transactions through 'Shop Pay Instalments' (SPI) are not included. Interest bearing transactions, even 0% interest transactions, are not reported on our 1099-K forms. These transactions are more akin to loans, and run through a different banking partner model. If you need confirmation that the missing transactions are interest bearing ones please reach out to Shopify Support.
If you've recieved a 1099k in the past, then you should be able to compile the data you need through the finances area. Note, this will not appear if you have not been issued a 1099k in the past.
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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Yup, I understand. I guess my question should have been: how are the interest bearing payments reported? 1099-INT?
Sorry, I misunderstood your question. I checked in with the Tax team on this; Shopify's responsibility has been covered in terms of our products (Shopify Payments and Shop Pay Instalments). As interest bearing transactions are handled by a third-party, these are not considered a Shopify product.
Our banking partners are responsible for figuring out their responsibility. They may have different obligations given they are a different type of entity. We can assume that they likely determined they do not have a responsibility to report those types of transactions under the current definitions. We assume this because they have not requested data from us that they would need to complete said filings
Therefore, you do not need to worry about any forms you have not received, but you can discuss further with a tax expert if you wish.
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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What is the update on the 1099 form?
Trevor, can you clarify your statement where you say that you will receive one IF you qualify? What is the threshold or conditions? I went in the IRS website and it was confusing as to what the requirements are for this year - they even changed it for next year.
I want to make sure I am not waiting until 2/29 to receive one and then don't. According to your customer service reps, the 2023 threshold for 2023 transactions is either 200 transactions or $20K but that is contradictory to the $600 threshold. What is the actual information from the text team?
just finished chatting with one of the shopify advisor...and they said 1099 form will not be ready until the first week of March. Ridiculous...smh
This is so f-ing annoying!!
It is March 14, and I still have not received one. I need to file my taxes because my business is currently partaking in a business competition that ends with one of us receiving a grant to help us open a brick and mortar store. My taxes need to be filed before I could receive the grant.
I still dont have one...April 12 is my date with the accountant....
Wait so you want us to look 10 days before and after to possibly pay more because you cant get it together
This is unacceptable, is shopify paying us all late fee for filing late? why do I need to go through the hassle to file an extension because shopify is not ready? and when was shopify planning on letting the merchants know about this situation? I have yet to receive any communication about this and I have my tax appointment on 2/19. This is ridiculous and unacceptable!
Guys this is un-f*cking acceptable. Every single other vendor I utilize has this given on time and now I have to wait to file my taxes for 2023 just because of Shopify's inability to provide a standardized tax form? Unreal smfh.
By default, you are provided an extension on the form when we're approved for the extension we requested. You do not need to wait to file your taxes as you do not need to have this form to file your taxes. You can use the above mentionted steps to get the data you need to complete your taxes for the 2023 year.
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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Yes, but often times there are discrepancies between 1099s and sales reports. I have had to contact Shopify in the past because of this and they couldn't give me a straight answer. My accountant at the time advised me to provide the number on the 1099 because that is what the IRS receives. But someone in the higher up ranks on Shopify needs to hear that this is not acceptable. It is ridiculous that Shopify filed for an extension. Don't you have an army of accountants and legal people to figure this out throughout the year? Absurd!
I would like to echo and ditto comments made by @luciotti.
This is pretty ridiculous, Shopify - especially since you are a multi-billion dollar enterprise (thanks to us - your customers). If there is any discrepancy between what Shopify reports to the IRS and our returns, it could trigger an audit. We had to make slight adjustments last year based on what Shopify paid us and what Shopify showed on their 1099. It's a totally unnecessary inconvenience - small businesses don't have time for this nuisance - and it's 100% preventable if you just keep your side of the bargain and get your customers our 1099s when they are due. Trevor, this kind of runaround is just rude. It feels like you're shirking your responsibility, which doesn't reflect well.
I came here just to comment everything you just stated! This is very irresponsible of Shopify and now it’s the middle of February! No one has time for an audit because the numbers aren’t matching plus Trevor stated that Shop installments fees aren’t listed in the reports! This is ridiculous!
It's March 2, I got a babysitter and set aside the day to do my taxes because shopify said my 1099-k would be ready by the end of February but when I wake up at 6 AM to get started, I still have no tax forms. This is incredibly frustrating.
This is ridiculous that it's taking this long. How is this legal to make us wait an entire month for our tax documents? Absolutely furious I cannot be on top of my taxes because of the Shopify Team's incompetence.
We are in the last 10 days of Feb. Have these started going out to anyone yet and is Shopify confident we will have these by the end of Feb?
This delay is ridiculous
still haven't got mine
I haven't gotten mine yet either. But I'm also confused on if I'm even going to get one. Made over 600 but less than 20k which is it for 2023?
i got this email and the link goes nowhere. Where are the 1099's at?
I received an email but it does not give me a report. It takes me to analytics when I click the link to download. Does that mean I don't really have one l?
Trevor, Everyone is getting there 1099. We have received nothing and it is not under documents either. Either i get it within a week or i am filing a law suit. Enough is enough. We do not get an extension just because you do. We have multiple marketplaces we sell on and they all have to be done and we do not get extensions from them. Get your act together or i will see you in court.
Hey Shopify, is February 26th, any update on 1099K form ?
I just received mine
Thank you
Oh wow, that gives us a small glimmer of hope 🙂 Thank you .
Can anyone give me the tax id and address for shopify?
Hi @everyone. I FINALLY got mine. I didn't get an email. I just went to finances/ documents and it was in there!!!
Got mine, too. Finally. Last day of month. WORST customer service ever. Total runaround. Time to think about alternatives.
Still have not received mine as of this morning, 2/29/24. Wondering if I am the only one?
I don’t have mine yet as of just now. I looked. I’m starting to get really freaking irritated.
No email, I was just checking and was there
Just got off chat with a Shopify support agent who reiterated for me the criteria for the 1099K – in order for Shopify to provide the 1099K, your store must have 20K AND 200+ transactions on Shopify payments specifically.
This seems ridiculous to me, considering almost every other sales platform which handles payment transactions between the shop owner and customer provides these forms, regardless of sales thresholds. This is particularly important for those of us whose stores operate in more than one space under a single business entity, and need all the proper paperwork to compile a comprehensive report of our sales and earnings. Shopify, hear our cries! Please just simply provide a 1099K for all shops, for all earnings.
I have not received mine. You are not the only one. Beyond frustrated. Scheduled a call with an attorney tomorrow. Call me crazy, but if I was a Canadian company making all this money off American small businesses, I would make f'ing sure I got them their 1099s in a timely manner.
I do not have mine yet either, extremely frustrated! I have never waited to long to do my taxes -ever
It's February 29th at 5:15 PM CST and I still do not have mine from Shopify (and before anyone asks I'm at least 10x over both threshold requirements)! I can't even put into words how absurd this is... years of selling across numerous platforms and we've never received a 1099-K later than January 31st, let alone on the eve of March. Seriously, what a complete and utter embarrassment for a multibillion dollar company.
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