Why haven't 2024 1099-K forms been issued yet?

Why haven't 2024 1099-K forms been issued yet?

2 0 3

Why haven't 2024 1099-K forms been issued yet?  The deadline is Jaunary 31st, 2025.


Don't show me the help sections that states the 1099-K will come between January 31st and Feburary 28th.  That's a bunch of BULLS**T.  THE DEADLINE IS JANUARY 31ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Replies 2 (2)

9 0 7

Shopify does this every year. They applied for an extension and it was denied. You can report them to the IRS for this so they get fined! 

2 0 3

Can you please explain how to do this, or provide a link?  You can't just "call the IRS" and report a business.  Good luck with that.  Show me a link where you can report Shopify.