Apps can now request access to necessary protected data

Apps can now request access to necessary protected data

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Shipped in the 2022-10 API release, Shopify is implementing updates to help your app better support a merchant’s path towards compliance with privacy and data protection rules. 


Learn More

Starting October 1, 2022, APIs will redact customer personal data by default and you will be able to request access to protected customer data and protected customer fields through your Partner Dashboard. You will need approval to access protected customer data on any store that isn't a development store. 


In line with our regular API versioning and depreciation timelines, existing apps will have until July 1st, 2023, to migrate to API version 2022-10.


What you need to know

In this release, Shopify will limit an app's data access to only the required resources and fields. Apps that require protected customer data (data that relates directly to a customer or prospective customer) must implement our data protection requirements, including informing merchants of your app’s data use and purpose, applying customer consent decisions, opt-out requests, and more. Apps that require protected customer fields (individual configuration and approval) in addition to approval for protected customer data, will need to abide by additional requirements.


You can now request protected data in the partner dashboard. Here’s what you will need to know:

  • For apps that do not use protected data, you can simply update to the latest API version. 
  • For apps that do use protected data, Shopify will approve your use of the minimum amount needed to provide the merchant with the app functionality. 


If you're approved for all the data that you requested, then no code updates are required. If you're not approved for the data you requested, then you might need to update your app to handle errors or redacted data. 


Dates to keep in mind

Over the next year, there are a few dates you should make note and prepare for:


October 1, 2022 - Shopify will release the 2022-10 API version. Apps using this version must meet the protected customer data requirements. Shopify will update the Partner Dashboard to enable app configuration and requests for protected customer data.


April 2, 2023 - New apps must use API version 2022-10 or later and meet the protected customer data requirements.


July 1, 2023 - All apps must use API version 2022-10 or later and meet the protected customer data requirements. Admin API version 2022-10 is the minimum supported version.

If you have any questions, please contact developer support via your partner dashboard.


Jacqui | Community Manager @ Shopify
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Shopify Blog
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