Focuses on API authentication, access scopes, and permission management.
I am working on a headless Next/Sanity + Shopify Plus project. My end goal is to create a "member's only" blog in the Next App.
High-level of my architecture is (or at least what I'm hoping for):
1. Customer purchases a product on the headless Next app, using multi-pass
2. Customer logs into the headless Next App. Upon logging in, the headless apps pings Shopify for customer tags / metafields.
3. Once the response is received, we redirect the user to the membership blog if they have the appropriate tag.
I'm getting mixed signals on if Shopify can handle the login / create account / forgot password flow.
I should say someone could create an account and not purchase too. That'd make it so they don't have access to the membership blog.
Is this possible?