Focuses on API authentication, access scopes, and permission management.
Hi, I built a public app and everything was working smoothly but all of a sudden my webhooks and other APIs started giving
HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized b'{"errors":"[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)"}' for shopify . is there any expiry
This is happening for merchants and if I login my shop again via shopify then I get new shopify token and everything works but after 1 day or so this error starts coming again.
I did some RnD and got to know that there are 2 types of token .
i) Online token
ii) Offline Token
but how can I get this offline token,
These are my settings in django.
SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS = { "shopify": { "APP": { "client_id": os.getenv("SHOPIFY_API_KEY"), "secret": os.getenv("SHOPIFY_API_SECRET"), "key": "", }, "SCOPE": ["read_orders", "read_customers", "write_customers", "write_discounts", "read_products", "read_returns"], "AUTH_PARAMS": {"grant_options[]": "per-user"}, },
I am using AllAuth library in Django