Focuses on API authentication, access scopes, and permission management.
Hello, I am currently making a custom mobile app for a client (React Native/Expo), and I am having some trouble authenticating the client. Basically when I try opening the WebBrowser for the regular authentication process, I am getting the following error:
Invalid "redirect_url" scheme
I have tried almost everything to get it to work and redirect the user to the login page, to no avail.
The callback URI in the Headless channel is the same one I am using in the redirect_uri field for the authorization step in the documentation. Am I not supposed to use it this way?
Callback URI:
A bit hard to guess, but I suspect this could be from the apps codebase.
Have you tried changing `://` to `:/` ?
So your Callback URI should be like this -
Let me know if it works.