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Re: Your embedded app is loading an invalid URL

Your embedded app is loading an invalid URL

Shopify Partner
1 0 1

i submitted my app many times but always get this rejection.


"App must set security headers to protect against clickjacking.

There was an error opening your app in the Shopify admin. Your embedded app is loading an invalid URL (https://{my-production-domain}/exitiframe). Make sure it is valid."
the app use node + react template from shopify github with newest version,
I didn't change the web middlewares or somethings, so it's really confusing...
can someone help me out?
Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

Were you ever able to resolve this?

getting the exact same thing (with Same Template)

Shopify Staff
1453 238 531

Hey @mosapei and @m3_, I am not on the App Review Team, but our team was able to do a bit of digging and found this post that seems to have a few solutions from other developers who encountered a similar issue


Hope this helps - if not, just let us know in this thread and we can take a deeper look. Our team does not generally deal with app review submissions, but we can try to provide some next steps. 

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