A place to discuss charging merchants for your apps and services using the billing API.
I have been reading this documentation: https://shopify.dev/apps/billing/purchase-adjustments/subscription-discounts#create-a-new-recurring-... and I have been trying to apply it to my cUrl request. Unfortunately, I am unable to produce a payment request that takes the discount into consideration.
Here is my cUrl without the sensitive data:
curl --location --request POST 'https:///admin/api/2021-10/recurring_application_charges.json' \ --header 'X-Shopify-Access-Token:' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Cookie: _master_udr=' \ --data-raw '{ "recurring_application_charge": { "name": "Super Duper Plan", "price": 5, "currency": "EUR", "interval": "ANNUAL", "return_url": "https://shopify.dev/apps/billing/purchase-adjustments/subscription-discounts", "test": true, "discount": { "value": { "amount": {"amount": 1.00,"currency": "EUR"} } }, "priceAfterDiscount": { "amount": 1.00, "currencyCode": "EUR" } } }'
I cannot seem to figure out how to make it work with the discount part, without it works just fine.
It seem to be that Rest API is not supporting discount for subscription, you'd need to use GraphQl instead.