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Re: Billing API for free app

Billing API for free app

28 2 1

My app is free to install but you must sign in to our website in order to get credentials to log in with in the shopify app.
in the signin in our website you can choose a plan.
Do i need to add billing API to my app?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
1843 210 488

All non-free public apps must leverage Shopify Billing API. There are some exceptions and there are apps that were exempted from this constraint, so you might want to reach out to app team at Shopify.


https://help.shopify.com/en/api/guides/charging-for-your-app/faq - "Can I use PayPal/Other as my billing mechanism, or do I have to use Shopify's application charge API endpoints?"

Sergiu Svinarciuc | CTO @ visely.io
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28 2 1

so i have 3 plans and when i add the biling api in the app server side with graphql i send a mutation and get a link to redirect merchants to approve that plan.
how can i do 3 plans? can you provide me with examples?
because now it onlys sends one mutation to approve just 1 plan and i need 3 plans in my app.
