How to support app using billing API once released?

How to support app using billing API once released?

Shopify Partner
15 0 5


Currently building a remix app and Checkout UI extension which utilises the billing API.


One thing I am wondering about and can't see documented anywhere, is how do you support your app once it's released and in customers hands.


I.e. right now I can run `npm run dev` and look at graphiql to run queries against my app against my dev shop and that's all fine.

But how do people do this once it's in the app store and in real stores? As a app developer can you run queries to see how your app is doing in the wild, or to support customer queries around billing api usages?


Our app will have usage charges from the billing api, is there a way for us to query our apps usage charges against a customers app? If so from where/how do you do this?


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