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Issue with Recurring charge declined during App installation

Issue with Recurring charge declined during App installation

Shopify Partner
131 0 17


When I Cancel charges from the Approve charges page of app installation, it redirects to Apps page. However I do not get the Charge Declined message in the current page. But I get the Charge Declined message once I click on any other section like Products, Orders, etc..

Our recurring billing API return_url is a embedded SDK page.


Any way to resolve this issue if it exists on my APP end or is it a shopify issue?

Thank you for your time.


Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
624 104 189

Hey @user072319 ,


Thanks for bringing this up. This is definitely an issue on Shopifys end, the expected outcome should be that the Charge was Declined notification should appear immediately upon the user cancelling the charge request (read here: https://community.shopify.com/c/API-Announcements/Upcoming-Change-Declined-app-charge-redirects-will...)
I have logged a ticket to the appropriate team to get this resolved 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
6 0 13

We are also facing the same issue. When we issue a recurring charge from our app and user is redirected to the confirmation page, then if the user clicks on cancel, the charge declined notification is not shown on that page. Instead, when the user again tries to buy credits and goes to the approval page, the previous charge declined notification is shown.

Hassain, kindly let us know if there is a solution for it. Or if you have any more information from the ticket you logged regarding this issue.

21 0 7

Hi, Hassain.

Any updates about your ticket?

I'm really having the exact same problem.


Thank you.

Shopify Partner
60 3 29

Any update on this? It would be great to hear from Shopify staff

18 0 10

Any news here? This is also happening to two apps that I've got that have been developed with the shopify-app gem (https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_app).


One app is in review and is being denied because of this problem, so I'm really not sure what to do.