Discussions on bundle app development
My app works on custom bundles. I use the cart API to add a newly generated variant to the cart. When I set requires_component to True, the cart API gives a 422 error with the description:
"The bundle product 'ABC' cannot be added to the cart."
When I turn this field to False, the new variant can be added to the cart again. But the expand operation of the cart transformation doesn't work.
What's checked against the field? The error only happens with some live stores. But I don't see it happened in my dev stores so I'm not sure why it doesn't work sometimes.
Having exactly the same issue. Because of that all bundles that were already created using my app stopped working.
I believe this is some kind of unannounced change. Can someone from Shopify Support look into it urgently?
Hi @MatCode57
Are you using cart transformation? Which operation are you using? Also, are you offering fixed or custom bundles?
Yes - our app is using Cart Transform API. Both - fixed and custom bundles stopped working. I have already submitted support ticket but no response from Shopify Support yet.
When I check these stores, they are all eligible for Bundles. I suspect that there are hidden store configurations or hidden ineligibility issues. Some existing stores are ok.I can't tell the differences between the stores
I also submit an issue to Shopify support.
I think there must be something else. We had these bundles working for over 5 months on number of different stores. We had customers successfully creating it and using on their live stores and it was working on all our development stores as well.
Only recently (15th of December) it stopped working (new and existing bundles created with our app, all using requiresComponents flag set to true and Cart Transform API on checkout). We had no updates to the app at all, so I am certain this is something on Shopify side.
This is very annoying because we had clients depending on this app and now we can't do anything on our end to fix that, we need to wait for Shopify Support to check this.
We are experiencing the same issue. There are successful function runs that output merge operations. The problem is that bundles are not merged in the cart.
It used to work for months and stopped working ~last week.
@sevenminds @jam_chan
Do you know how we could elevate this issue with Shopify? I have already submitted a support ticket and followed up yesterday but there hasn't been any feedback yet.
Can y'all confirm that this issue has now been resolved for you?
Nick Wesselman | Shopify
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I can confirm that the issue has been resolved for us. Bundles are merged in the cart. Thank you, bundles team!
Confirming, it is resolved.
I have the same issue with a store. It gives the same 422 error. When I check the store, it's eligible for selling bundles. When I deactivate cart transformation and reactivate it again, the cart ajax API still gives the same error. I can DM you the store info if necessary.