Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
I am processing Shopify orders with our external systems. In order to properly handle discounts, I need to be able to access each discount application's title and description. Via the Admin REST API, I can access this with no problem. However, we are leveraging the graphQL API to access additional information in a single call. While I am able to access discountApplications and see that the type is ScriptDiscountApplication, I do not seem to be able to access it as a ScriptDiscountApplication and therefore cannot retrieve its title and description. Is anyone aware of any way to access a discounts title and description via the admin graphQL?
Ideally, I'd be able to leverage this: https://shopify.dev/api/admin/graphql/reference/orders/scriptdiscountapplication#fields-2021-07 but on the order connection I only seem to be able to access this: https://shopify.dev/api/admin/graphql/reference/orders/discountapplication
Rest Response:
Graph QL response:
Hey @magnetiic,
Would you be able to share an example of a formatted GraphQL request to the Order object where the DiscountApplication connection and ScriptDiscountApplication fields aren't returning the info that is expected? Additionally, an x-request-id from the response header would also be helpful! With that I would be happy to take a close look or pass back any insights!- Cheers!
awwdam | API Support @ Shopify
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Same requirement as yours, but not resolved yet in 2023-07 version...
I have the same problem - we create our own invoices and have lines displaying the used coupon code. We cannot move to GraphQL because this is not available.
Hey @carstent , thanks for sharing that.
Just looking here, to get the ScriptDiscountApplication on the order object, a query like this should work to return those details:
orders(first: 10) {
nodes {
discountApplications(first: 10) {
nodes {
... on ScriptDiscountApplication {
value {
... on MoneyV2 {
... on PricingPercentageValue {
Hope that helps,
- Kyle G.
Developer Support @ Shopify
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