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Re: Amazon Seller SKU missing on Orders API call

Amazon Seller SKU missing on Orders API call

45 0 7


I'm importing orders into my accounting system and it appears that there is no meaningful linkage available for items originating from Amazon.  For orders originating in the Shopify, the SKU field holds the necessary item cross-reference (Perfect!).  For those from Amazon, all that appears in the export are the two values in bold that don't seem to be connected to anything. 

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious.  If anyone could shed some light on this for me, it would be greatly appreciated.



API Version 2020-04 (JSON export converted to XML):


<item type="object">

  <id type="number">4791895916680</id>

  <variant_id type="null">


  <title type="string">My special widget that I offer for sale</title>

  <quantity type="number">1</quantity>

  <sku type="null">


  <variant_title type="null">


  <vendor type="null">


  <fulfillment_service type="string">manual</fulfillment_service>

  <product_id type="null">


  <requires_shipping type="boolean">true</requires_shipping>

  <taxable type="boolean">true</taxable>

  <gift_card type="boolean">false</gift_card>

  <name type="string">My special widget that I offer for sale</name>

  <variant_inventory_management type="null">


  <properties type="array">

    <item type="object">

      <name type="string">Amazon Order Item ID</name>

      <value type="string">51982890421834</value>



  <product_exists type="boolean">false</product_exists>

  <fulfillable_quantity type="number">1</fulfillable_quantity>

  <grams type="number">0</grams>

  <price type="string">234.00</price>

  <total_discount type="string">0.00</total_discount>

  <fulfillment_status type="null">


  <price_set type="object">

    <shop_money type="object">

      <amount type="string">234.00</amount>

      <currency_code type="string">USD</currency_code>


    <presentment_money type="object">

      <amount type="string">234.00</amount>

      <currency_code type="string">USD</currency_code>



  <total_discount_set type="object">

    <shop_money type="object">

      <amount type="string">0.00</amount>

      <currency_code type="string">USD</currency_code>


    <presentment_money type="object">

      <amount type="string">0.00</amount>

     <currency_code type="string">USD</currency_code>



  <discount_allocations type="array">


  <admin_graphql_api_id type="string">gid://shopify/LineItem/4791895916680</admin_graphql_api_id>

  <tax_lines type="array">

    <item type="object">

      <title type="string">Sales tax</title>

      <price type="string">15.80</price>

      <rate type="number">0.0675214</rate>

      <price_set type="object">

        <shop_money type="object">

          <amount type="string">15.80</amount>

          <currency_code type="string">USD</currency_code>


        <presentment_money type="object">

          <amount type="string">15.80</amount>

          <currency_code type="string">USD</currency_code>






Replies 13 (13)

2 0 0

We are after the Amazon Order Item Id.


But only seem to get the ASIN back in the response:


"properties": [{
                            "name": "ASIN",
                            "value": "B086QZMN37"
Is there any settings that are determining this ?
1 0 0

Were you ever able to resolve this?  I'm having the same issue and cannot find an answer anywhere.  Thanks.

45 0 7

No.  Doesn't seem to be a priority for the Shopify API yet.  I'm really surprised that this is not on the export.  ASIN is useless for integration as it is not manageable  by the merchant.  Merchants use the Seller SKU to cross-reference with their own items.  Not providing this on the export kills the integration. 

Shopify Partner
4853 60 569

I resolved this for sellers in this way. Hold on to your hats, you won't believe it!


Yes Amazon functions with the ASIN and that screws up Shopify. So what to do! We throw Amazon orders into emails with the details. We know orders are being placed into Shopify by Amazon, but we cannot process them yet. So we regularly pull emails from Amazon. With those, we get the orders, the line items (SKUs) and we can start to rebuild Humpty Dumpty. At the end of playing with orders from Amazon, in emails, and then matching to Shopify, we can actually comprehend what has gone on, and get those orders to the third-party fulfillment center! And there is trickery there too as fulfillment with Amazon requires things to be tidied up there too.

So the moral of the story is this. I have a high volume client that sells a lot of stuff on Shopify and Amazon as sales channels. The Amazon to Shopify sales channel it pretty much hot garbage due to Amazon, and you can thus resort to emails to glue things together. So you write an App to sit in the middle and play monkey in the middle. It helps that the third-party fulfillment center also maps SKUs totally different from Shopify, and has no connection to Amazon items either. So we MAP things. And it all works!

So I am in awe of 2020! And how we solve modern e-commerce problems with frigging emails, because hey! Amazon and Shopify are so well-oiled together, like bros!

I am thinking Shopify has done all they can to ease the pain of this sales channel, but at the end of the day, there is zero-chance Amazon is going to let it function friction free, so they ensure they do things just one stroke off, one stroke different, boom. You're in the pain zone!

Good luck to you! I felt your pain! I solved it with code, and you likely can too!


Custom Shopify Apps built just for you! hunkybill@gmail.com http://www.resistorsoftware.com
2 0 0

Sadly not.

Had to ditch the Amazon -> Shopify link and just get orders directly from Amazon API.

As need the AmazonOrderItemId to do Seller Fulfilled Prime Shipments

8 0 3

I am having the same issue.  Cannot get SKU.  We are manually adding Amazon orders.  This makes Shopify less valuable since most of our orders are FBA or FMA not from out own website.

Shopify Partner
4853 60 569

Get yourself an App that maps the Amazon ID to Shopify. That way you are not limited. The whole point of Shopify is to give you a platform that not only works well for most things, but can be adapted to the other little things you may need. Just because Amazon is big does not mean it is good. They purposely have some things in their system non-standard and only for them. So you have to work around this.



Custom Shopify Apps built just for you! hunkybill@gmail.com http://www.resistorsoftware.com
45 0 7


Are you using current version of API?  Don't hold me to it, but I think Shopify might have included Amazon Seller SKU on the output record.  Let me know if not, and I'll whack this post.



Shopify Partner
4853 60 569

Why would a Shopify API have a field directly related to Amazon? What API do you speak of exactly @swheeler ?

Custom Shopify Apps built just for you! hunkybill@gmail.com http://www.resistorsoftware.com
45 0 7

Hi @HunkyBill ,  See my original post above referencing calls to 2020-04.  In think output from latest version might now include Amazon Seller SKU in the SKU field. 


Shopify Partner
4853 60 569


Shopify orders originating from Amazon always seem to have the Amazon Order ID in 3 places for me. The reference, the source_identifier, and in this case, note attributes.

As far as the line item itself goes, in the line item, there are properties and the ones I see are the Amazon Order Item ID, which gives a specific identifier that way.

You must get those too, and they have zip, zilch nothing to do with the Shopify API or its versioning. That is all due to the App used to interface Amazon to Shopify filling in those useful details.


Custom Shopify Apps built just for you! hunkybill@gmail.com http://www.resistorsoftware.com
20 0 18

Anyone know if the SKUs are showing up in the API?  Not working for me at the moment.

8 0 3

It is not working for us either.  We disconnected it and connect Amazon directly to our QuickBooks.  We were using webgility to brings Amazon orders into Shopify but there was no SKU to map to bring them in correctly.  When we use Webgility to connect Amazon directly to QuickBooks there is an SKU.  This is not ideal but better.