Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
Hi guys,
We are creating a private app for our Shopify store as a part of which we will need to fetch orders from Shopify via API. We could not find any documentation around how to get orders on which a return has been created on Shopify, but we tested out the following API and it seemed to return the expected orders.
GET /admin/api/2021-07/orders.json?return_status=in_progress
Since it is not supported by documentation, we wanted to confirm if we can actually use this to fetch orders on which a return has been created. If not, what would be the best way to fetch these orders?
We saw that we get an orders/update webhook when a return is created on an order, but we did not receive any information in the webhook to indicate a return had been created on the order.
Would be great if you could help us with this!
What I found is Shopify just set return tag on order,when customer return item
return_status=in_progress means customer have a return and us have been start process it